Zinc Data File Version 3.2 UIW_WINDOW UI_BITMAP UI_ICON UI_HELP UI_HPP UI_CPP DERIVE_TABLE BAD_PATH SETUP_INSTALL SETUP_WIN doomware Developers_Network APPLICATION EXCLAMATION QUESTION ASTERISK HAND! Dev_net BAD_PATH SETUP_INSTALL SETUP_WIN SETUP_WIN BAD_PATH SETUP_INSTALL ot of time and creative effort building the things you are about to see. If you find something here that you find interesting or usefull, please take the time to send a letter, or e-mail to let them know that you think they are cool... incedently, many of them find that an anonymous bag of cash is a particulary elloquent way of expressing your thanks. SETUP_WIN@ Developers' Network CD Occurrence II: Setup FIELD_55@ DOOM_PATHD C:\DOOM2\ CD_PATHD SETUP_OKA setupOk SETUP_CANCELA setupCancel &Cancel FIELD_74@ Location of DOOM2.EXE FIELD_75@ CD-ROM Drive Letter2 Setup Information FIELD_3P Thank you, for purchasing the Developers Network CD Occurence II: Hell on CD-ROM, the most comprehensive collection of Doom II related add-ons and utilities. Please remember that the people who's work is represented here, spent a l = 0x004D;7 const USHORT FIELD_74 = 0x004A;7 const USHORT FIELD_75 = 0x004B;7 const USHORT FIELD_3 = 0x0003; const USHORT FIELD_55 = 0x0037;7 const USHORT DOOM_PATH = 0x0048;7 const USHORT CD_PATH = 0x0049;7 const USHORT SETUP_OK = 0x004C;7 const USHORT SETUP_CANCEL OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION setupOk setupCancel l DOOM2 first, then install FIELD_5A Hell on CD-ROM to the SAME directory BAD_PATH_OKA buttonClose! = 0x0001; OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION buttonClose Dev_net const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002;7 const USHORT FIELD_4 = 0x0004; OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION BAD_PATH@ Developers' Network CD Occurrence II: Hell on CD-ROM FIELD_2A Invalid Path FIELD_3A FIELD_4A You must instal7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002;7 const USHORT FIELD_3 = 0x0003;7 const USHORT FIELD_4 = 0x0004;7 const USHORT FIELD_5 = 0x0005;7 const USHORT BAD_PATH_OK SETUP_INSTALL@ Occurrence II: Install FIELD_1A Please wait... FIELD_2A Installing System Files. FIELD_4A Developers' Network